Sunday, February 26

Days 50-56

We had a busy week!

19 February 2012 - Rebecca had a run in with our bookshelf right before we headed out the door for church.

20 February 2012 - Grandpa John had some free time between flights, so we met him at the food court in the airport.

21 February 2012 - The girls and I met Angie (and all 5 of her kids she was watching that day) for a picnic and visit to the library.  

22 February 2012 - Anastasia and Rebecca were having a picnic with Ariel and Rapunzel (and the puppies I just noticed)...once the food was cleaned up and the blanket away they were suddenly at the ball with lots of dancing.

23 February 2012 - I went and bought a monthly pass to our recreation complex today, so the girls and I went swimming in the afternoon.  We stayed for almost 3 hours and they still weren't ready to go home (but alas...Jesse would be arriving on the bus any minute).

24 February 2012 - Busy day today...I have my regular babysitting gig from 12-3, Rebecca and Ana's friend over in the afternoon, chiro at 530, and then off to Cardel Place for a picnic supper and family swimming.  We didn't get home until after 8pm.  And somehow I managed to forget to take a picture.  So here is Eli, playing on the library computer earlier this week.

25 February 2012 - The whole family went to Costco today (where we met Grandpa John for lunch again since Grandma Brenda is gone to BC for the weekend.)  Apparently Costco even sells bulk sized Easter chocolate.  This bunny here weighed 5000 grams, and cost $99.  Needless to say, we left it at the store...though I suppose I could have bought it to replenish my chocolate supply!  :-)

Monday, February 20

Days 43 - 49

A selection of pictures for this week...

12 February 2012 - My mom got me this cordial set in's sat in the box for almost that whole time.  We finally dug it out, made some pop with our Soda Stream, and enjoyed drinking out of tiny little glasses.  The kids loved it.

13 February 2012 - So I didn't have a photo for today...this one is from February 13th, 2009.  Apparently it was warm enough for the kids to play in the pool.  I do miss that about Texas!

14 February 2012 - We dropped the kids off for a sleepover at Grandma Brenda and Grandpa John's on Valentine's day...picked up some Tim Hortons and came home to watch a movie.  I guess it was cold in our basement!

15 February 2012 - Today was a hair day at our house.  The stylist I have used for the past year has a mobile salon (she comes to your house!)  Brenda and I both got a cut and color done, Rebecca got a trim done.  If you live in the Calgary area, check Carol out.  Her business is called Chic Effectz.  

16 February 2012 - Happy Birthday Anastasia!  We went to Burger King to celebrate her birthday.

17 February 2012 - Anastasia has worn a swimsuit two days in a row least today she added tights.

18 February 2012 - Today was Anastasia's birthday party.  Since it was all about fairies, I opted for cupcakes decorated like roses.  The kids gobbled them up.

Sunday, February 12

Days 36 - 42

This week's pictures!

5 February 2012 - Didn't have a picture for today.  This one is from last week when I finally dug out the serger I got for Christmas and gave it a try.

6 February 2012 - Field Trip to the Calgary Flying Club (where Mike works as an instructor).  Angie brought her day home kids, and the girls and I tagged along.  The kids loved the planes and the simulator.

7 February 2012 - Doing homework in the evening.

8 February 2012 - Mike was working on the Rubik's Cube tonight...

9 February 2012 - The girls and I went shopping at Market Mall with Angie today and I saw this shirt at Old's Rainbow Brite!  Blast from the past!

10 February 2012 - I was baking today...first egg I cracked was rotten, second egg I cracked was hard boiled (which I usually keep in a different place in the fridge but the girls found it and decided to put it back with the other eggs...)

11 February 2012 - I finally got to meet baby Isaac today...isn't he sweet?

Saturday, February 4

More Pictures!

Days 29-35...

29 January 2012 - Our precious nephew, Eoin, would have turned 5 today.  <3

30 January 2012 - Remember how Rebecca loves "chicken bones"?  :-)

31 January 2012 - I've been making fairy crowns in preparation for Anastasia's birthday party this month.  Of course the girls had to give them a test run.

1 February 2012 - We got our order of beef today...freezer is stocked for the next year!

2 February 2012 - Jesse was being a goof at the bus stop this morning.

3 February 2012 - Jesse didn't have school today, and took full advantage of his day off!

4 February 2012 - It was a beautiful day outside...Mike took the kids down into the valley (where they climbed a huge rock).  Ana fell asleep eating her snack when they got home!