Friday, November 9

Almost 3 months later...

We still have bugs. I can't believe it. These suckers are hard to get rid of! On the bright side, my dishes have to get done every night. But, not only do we have roaches...we also have some fire ants again. They are back, in the same spot, in Rebecca's room by the window (which her crib sits next to). We put plastic up over the windows in the kids rooms a few weeks ago (trying to cut down on electricity costs). So, most of the ants were contained. But, since we couldn't get a perfect seal on the window, some ants escaped. We found a big spider web under Rebecca's crib that was full of ants. And for some reason, I am always finding spiders. I thought we would have gotten rid of them by now. Unlike roaches, where one female can lay 30 eggs a month and they hide in all the cracks and crevices; spiders you usually just have to suck up and they're gone. I have no idea where they keep coming from. We find them in closets, wall corners, sometimes walking on the wall above our bed (which is really creepy). They just keep showing up. Sometimes I kill them. Most of the time I make Mike kill them. So there you go - we have roaches, fire ants, and spiders. People tell me that when it freezes, it should slow down the bug population. We'll see. I certainly hope so. Right about now, I am seriously missing my old apartment in Regina. It would be one thing if it was just me I had to worry about, but we have 2 small children...who get into everything. Rebecca crawls everywhere these days. I just don't like the idea of her finding a spiderweb in a corner, or her having fire ants crawling on her while she sleeps. Jesse's funny. He takes shoes and squishes pieces of dirt on the floor like us squishing bugs. We have this two sided tape in our kitchen to catch bugs, and in the morning he always "helps" me kill the ones we caught overnight. He will point them out and say, "bug...dirty!" Our kitchen cabinets have been packed into plastic tubs for a month now, and it's really annoying to try and remember what is in each tub...but it's nice to know our dishes are safe there. It's also nice to know that there are less places for the roaches to hide amongst our stuff, when the cupboards are empty. Jesse enjoys playing in the empty cupboards. Every one in a while he emerge with a bug, which he deposits in the garbage can. What a helpful little boy! I am so glad that he isn't freaked out by bugs yet (and hopefully never is). We are trying to get moved into an upper level apartment in hopes of getting less bugs, but it could be over a month before they have one open and even if they do they just told us we could "investigate the possibility" please pray our bugs will go away and/or we will get moved to a better location soon!

Ahhh...and other than bugs, what's been happening. Well, like I said, Rebecca is pretty much getting all over the place. She still does the army crawl, on her arms, but she is quick. The other day I took Jesse to the potty, Rebecca was in the living room, and when we came out she was halfway down the hall towards us. I remember the first day Jesse followed me into the kitchen when he was just learning to crawl. She just started eating rice cereal, and seems to like it okay. I put a video on the dropshots site of her eating it. Other than that, not much is new with her. I must say though, she sure looks petite compared to a lot of other babies that I see. It seems like most of the other ones I see are way chubbier...oh well, I like my non-rolly-polly girl. She actually fits the right size of clothes for her age!

Jesse...Jesse just turned two. Everyone seemed to be busy on his birthday, so we didn't do much. Our little family of four went to Sonic. Jesse ate a corndog and part of a sundae, but he mostly had fun playing on the slides and such. I bought some sparkling candles for the occasion, but they weren't like the sparklers I remember...these ones were a candle that occasionally sparkled. Since it was windy outside, they didn't work so well. Jesse got a bike for his birthday (from his grandma & grandpa Wieb), a stick horse, some bath foam and bath fizzies (from us), a chunky construction puzzle (from the Lee's), a book (from Mike's Aunty Val & Uncle Bill), and some money (from great-gpa Jack and Beryl). He also got some special birthday cards in the mail (he likes the sparkles on the one from great-gma & gpa Severson). Two years!

Mike is hard at work with school still. He just turned in a major assignment earlier this week, and I'm sure is feeling some relief! He is also participating in "Nazarite November". Some of the guys in the grad program have taken a vow not to shave for the month...should be interesting to see the progress Mike has made in a months time!

I've been battling a bout of tonsillitis this past week. It was so bad for several days that I could barely swallow liquids, but it seems that I am on the mend now after taking antibiotics for 4 days. Today is actually the first day that I could probably eat without needing any painkillers. There were a couple of days I was convinced I needed to have my tonsils removed, and was ready to pay any amount of money to do, I am glad I am starting to feel better cause I'm sure it's not cheap to have tonsils removed down here!

And one last cute story...Mike took the kids out for a walk last night so I could have some down time to myself. I was vaccuming when they got home, and Jesse came in, grabbed his broom and started copying me. When I went to another room, he followed me and continued to "vacuum." It was cute. It didn't last too long, but it was neat to see him watch me intently, then look at his hand a broom to make sure he was doing it the same as me. Now if only getting him to use the potty was that easy...