Friday, February 15

Jesse is growing up so fast! He continues to amaze me with the things that he knows. He knows how to use my iPod Touch...he can turn it on, unlock it, select a game that he wants to play, quit that game and select another. He knows how to unlock the door with a key. He knows his shapes...and not just circle, square, triangle - he knows an oval, rectangle, diamond, and is learning an octagon. He knows how to count...he can count to 10 most of the time, although he sometimes forgets a number. And, he's learning his alphabet. He likes to do his alphabet puzzle, and try to point out the different letters to me. The path up at ACU has scripture engraved in some segments of the concrete. We were walking up there last night, and Jesse walked over one of these segments and got excited. He kept saying, "ABC's!" This morning he tried singing the song. He made it to "g", then skipped to "q,r,s", and the to "w". It was cute. And he's talking more and more each day. He had a couple of phrases that he really likes. For example, he really likes to say, "Lucky duck!" Apparently, we have said that to him a few times. If he gets something that he likes (like ice cream) he will say it. His other new phrase is, "sorry." Sometimes it's at an appropriate moment, and other times not. The other day I walked into Rebecca's room just as Jesse bumped something off the table. Right away he exclaimed, "Sorry!" It made me smile. We have been trying to teach him to say sorry when he hits someone or does something he should be apologizing for.

Rebecca still isn't walking, but she does cruise along furniture pretty good. And she is standing without holding on to anything more and more. She still has no teeth either...not that I really mind. I kind of like babies toothless grin!

Our family is just getting over the flu. Well, mostly I am just getting over the flu. I had a fever & chills for 4 days last week, and a horrible cough and stuffed nose. Now I just have the cough and congestion, but am really starting to feel better. Somehow Mike and Rebecca escaped getting sick. Jesse had a fever for a few days, but he pulled through quicker than I.

I hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day. Mike brought me tulips home, and we went for a walk last night as a family. The weather was nice, and it was just a pleasant evening. Jesse likes my flowers too. He talks about them all the time! Anyway, speaking of Jesse, I should go...I think he's finished his breakfast and wants down from the table.