Thursday, May 1

It's been an interesting week for me...We bought Rebecca's birthday present on the weekend. I've been busy planning her birthday party, which has been fun. On Monday I attended a brunch for the present and future steering team members. It was so much fun and a real highlight for me. Then, on Tuesday, I found out that my 15 month old nephew (Eoin) has leukemia. He's in Edmonton getting treatment right now. As devastating as the news was, it was really encouraging to hear about all the people praying for him and the family. My MOPS friends and mentors have been praying, and some have been getting their small groups to pray. Our church family in Benjamin has been praying, and our church family in Abilene at Minter Lane has been praying. Mike's classmates have been praying. And that's just here in Texas. There are people all across Canada who are also praying. So, in the midst of sorrow, I feel refreshed by the support of my brothers and sisters in Christ. Eoin has a CarePage...a place where you can go and get updates on his treatment and how he is doing. It's great, I love the idea and it's also encouraging to see the support Angie and Reed are receiving there. Please take a look.

Things have been going on as normal least for the kiddos. Rebecca toddles around everywhere and manages to keep her balance pretty good even when Jesse bumps into her. Jesse is learning about sharing. I say learning because he doesn't quite understand the concept yet. Right now he is at the stage that when I tell him to share with Rebecca, he gives her something before he takes what she has. Unfortunately what he usually gives her is undesirable. And other times, he will sweetly share what he has. He has even shared his ice cream and cake with her.

And, to end on a funny note...tonite as I went to move the kids laundry from the washing machine to the dryer, I noticed that the laundry smelled...unusual. I didn't quite know what it was, so I started moving it over anyway. About half way in, I saw what was causing the odor. A diaper. No, not a cloth diaper (those go in a separate diaper pail and haven't gotten mixed in with our regular laundry...yet.) It was a disposable diaper. Neither Mike or I know how it got in the laundry basket. Luckily, it wasn't a poopy diaper, and it was neatly folded up (and didn't come undone), and didn't burst and get the gel everywhere. So, I'm washing the laundry again right now...