Tuesday, February 10

25 Random Things About Me

Since I have been tagged in several of my friends notes (and enjoyed reading their lists of random things) I thought I should compose my own list as well.

1. I love camping and can't wait to do more of it with our kids.
2. I played a lot of sports in school, but loved basketball and volleyball.
3. I had perfect attendance for most of my school years...K-12.
4. When Mike and I got married, I owned most of the tools in our household. Mike is probably catching up by now.
5. I've never had a cast and the only stitches I have gotten are from my two c-sections.
6. I love pouring rain, especially accompanied by thunder and lightening. I'm not fond of drizzling rain.
7. I had my hair cut so short in 7th grade that I got called a boy. I never cut it like that again!
8. I love my grandma's brownies. I have her recipe, but they are never quite as good.
9. I've never been good at videos games...until the Wii came along.
10. Seaweed really, really creeps me out. So do ticks. They are not related in any form, except they creep me out.
11. I love pens (and pencils, markers, etc...) In fact, I bought 6 this week. :o)
12. I miss Canadian winters (for short, brief periods of time.) There's nothing quite like walking outside and not being able to breathe because it's so cold.
13. I am supposed to wear orthodics in my shoes...but don't anymore.
14. I've been bit by spiders, mosquitoes, sand & horse flies, ticks, leeches, fire ants, cats, my children, and even a field mouse!
15. I've had one speeding ticket in my life. It left me so flustered I forgot I needed to fill up with gas...and ran out 30km down the road. Talk about a bad day!
16. I went to a private boarding school 5 hours away from home for grade 11 and 12.
17. I was once suspended from the above boarding school in my grade 12 year. Not my proudest moment in high school.
18. I sometimes have freakishly physic dreams...that are incredibly detailed and end up coming true - sometimes years down the road.
19. I hated avocados before moving to Texas...now I love them, especially on my salad.
20. I have loved helping my dad work on cars in the shop since I was a little girl (hence all the inherited tools...)
21. I sang in several small acappella groups in my high school and college years...and toured a lot of Canada and the northern US as a result.
22. I used to love playing Oregon Trail in elementary school.
23. I like shooting guns. Once I even out-shot my husband at the firing range.
24. I was 20 the first time I flew on an airplane. My children were both less than 3 months old the first time they flew.
25. I've touched a giraffe's tongue (while feeding them crackers at the Abilene zoo.)

Monday, February 9

Sometimes my kids make me proud...

I know, I know, every parent thinks their kids are the best kid around. There have been several moments in the last week where I have thought this of our children, and I thought I should share. Yesterday we were reading books in the toy room, and Jesse wanted to read one of the ABC books we have. I was reading "A is for apple..." etc, while pointing to the different letters on the page. Then he would go through and point out the different letters, saying them as he went. And he rarely went in order, but he got all the letters right. I was impressed that at 3 years old he could recognize all the individual letters. Then he started saying "T says ____" and would try to make the sound of the letter. He didn't get very many of those right, but it's something we have never done together - he must have picked up on it from a TV show. I think we will definitely start working on the different sounds that the letters make. He is also great with his colors, shapes (including semi-circle and crescent...) and his numbers (all the way into the teens, sometimes even throwing in a 20.) Smartest kid around, right?

Our children are also very polite. (At least around others!) Today, as we were leaving MOPS, Jesse walked through a door that someone was holding open for him. He looks up and says, "Thank you." Rebecca walked through right behind him and said, "Thanks." (Hers isn't quite as understandable as Jesse's, but I recognized what she was trying to say.) I guess practicing our manners around the kids has paid off!

And this last one isn't any huge accomplishment (at least for his age), but I was impressed nonetheless. We were visiting at some friends house tonight, and Jesse asked to use the bathroom twice! We didn't have to ask him if he needed to go, but he stopped watching Word World (which is a big deal!) and asked if he could use the bathroom. Usually he will hold it for as long as he can (which sometimes results in accidents) when we are away from home, so this was exciting for me. One step closer to being potty trained, right?!

And, one more thing, just because it's funny. We were getting ready to leave for MOPS this morning and were actually going to be on time. I buckled Rebecca in and walked around to help Jesse get in. But you see, it had rained the night before, and we get a huge puddle at the end of our driveway when it rains. Jesse, being the little boy he is, couldn't resist a puddle of that size. He was in the middle of it, splashing away (not wearing his boots, of course) and soaking wet up to the knees. So much for being on time! I had to run back into the house and get a new pair of pants for him. When we got home, all he talked about was going in the back alley (where the puddle was) to ride his bike. Finally, once Rebecca was awake from her nap we went out to play in the back alley. The look on his face and he zoomed down the driveway on his bike into the puddle was priceless. He was thrilled! Later, he put the bike aside, and he and Rebecca ran through the puddle splashing (until Rebecca tripped in the puddle and soaked her pants.) What a fun afternoon...too bad it's only the second time we have had a puddle since we moved here in October!