Friday, April 25

Has it really been that long?!

I can't believe it's been almost two months since I last wrote. I'm going to blame Facebook, dropshots, and The Wiggles...that's right, The Wiggles. Almost every time I have the computer on, Jesse wants to watch The Wiggles, and that means no time for me to use the internet. Oh well, there are more productive ways to spend my time. So, here's whats happened in the last month or two...

We had company over spring break. My grandma and grandpa, and little sister Lis came to visit. It was great! It was so nice to have family here, especially since we haven't seen them since we left Canada in August. It was fun to show them around Abilene, have them meet our church family in Benjamin, and eat out lots (thanks grandpa!!) Now I can't wait until summer and we head north again. The countdown is on...30 more days until we arrive in Bengough (if everything goes as planned!)

Rebecca has started walking. She walks everywhere now. It's hard to believe that she will be a year old next month. I've started making plans for her birthday parties (yes, parties...she is lucky enough to get one here in Abilene, and one up in Canada although it will be a bit late.) And, she also has four teeth now. She likes to use them to bite little pieces of food looks like a mouse nibbled on it. I can't think of anything else new that she has done recently, but there are lots of cute pictures and videos on our dropshots site, so if you haven't been there recently you really should go take a look.

Jesse has moved into a big kid bed. He loves it. He seems so proud of himself when he gets up in the morning and comes out of his room all by himself. He adjusted to it so well. Only once since we have moved him, has he gotten up in the middle of the night. And he has started to talk a lot more. He even talks on the phone. Before, when we would hand him the phone, he would just listen and get a confused look on his face. Now, every time I'm on the phone, he wants to talk to whoever it is (usually it's my mom, so I let him). Today, when we came home from the store he said to me, "" (He calls both grandma and grandpa "grandba" at this point.) Most people, other than me, don't understand a lot of what he says, but he really is learning more every day. He's a pro at counting from 1-10, and he even has his ABC's down pretty well. Jesse has also discovered the joy of two-footed jumping. He wants to jump everywhere...over cracks/lines in the sidewalk, off the bottom stair, up onto a curb. He thinks it's great fun. Sometimes he will even do two or three hops in a row.

We got a large amount of rain the other day (you can see the videos on our dropshots site). Jesse had so much fun playing in the puddles (and by puddles, I probably mean streams of flowing water.) Sometimes the water was up almost to his knees (yes, I was holding onto his hand) and he just giggled and splashed. It was so fun to watch. And Mike loves driving through puddles (or whole streets that have been flooded.) It was fun to watch him enjoy it so much too.

Mike is busy, busy, busy with school. He had two papers due this week, and I think he stayed up all night two days this week to get them done. I really don't know how he's even staying awake during the days!! He only has one more week of classes, and then 3 final exams. Then, he has one week off...which won't really be a week off since he will be preparing for his block class that starts on the 19th. One May 23rd we start driving toward Canada. I can't wait. There is lots to do before then...getting the house ready for the summer, doctors and WIC appointments, Rebecca's birthday party, so I'm sure the time will fly by. In fact, this may be the last time I write before the summer!